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The intent of this website is to host my research notes into the following question:


Does God exist?


I've done a lot or reading on this topic (see Reading List) and I must acknowledge that the assertion "God exists" or "God doesn't exist" falls into a category of unprovable assertions based on current knowledge.  So, what remains is the accumulation and evaluation of the evidence supporting each assertion. 


The conclusion you will make, I assert, will be heavily influenced by your accumulated experience, cultural influences, religious training, education, mental health and other influences since your birth.  In other words, your conclusion will not be based on the unbiased evaluation of the evidence.  It is extremely difficult to dislodge someone from their position of long held beliefs.


Evidence for “God exists” falls into these general categories (not a complete list):

  • Religious Philosophy

  • Personal Experience (which has led to the many religious documents in existence)

  • Mysticism (i.e. experience IS reality)


Evidence for "God doesn't exist” is, essentially, the lack of the kind of evidence or data that is routinely used in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, forensics, and other technical domains (I'll take the liberty to lump these all together as science). 


It should be noted that the categories of evidence for "God exists" are generally not used or accepted in the day to day practice of science.


Evidence or data that is routinely used in science can be tested and verified with the skills and tools necessary to setup and perform the test.  It is also the sort of information that can be used to build a hydrogen bomb, a cell phone, a space station, a Formula 1 race car, etc.  This is the sort of information that every human being (every organism) that exists on Earth uses to survive and thrive each and every day.


I will also acknowledge that, even if God doesn't exist, there still may be a need for "Religion" due to:

  • our human biological condition of being aware of our individual existence and eventual demise

  • our social needs which lead to "grouping" together with others of like mind, kinship, culture, etc.


Another observation worth noting is that some concepts are just difficult to understand and take a lot of study to comprehend.  For example, I took four Calculus classes during my Engineering studies in college.  It was difficult for me to understand the concepts.  However, at some point during those classes, the ah-ha moment happened, and it suddenly made sense.  Without putting in the time and effort to study Calculus, I would not be able to say I understand it.  My point is that, even with this topic, much study is required to grasp the arguments for either position.

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